Agile software development environments
– in the cloud and on bare metal

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Kontenery i mikroserwisy

Gain edge with containers

Containers are standalone software packages that include all the components necessary to run an application: source code, runtime environment, system tools, system libraries and settings.

This design allows containers to be easily moved between all environments and ensures efficient use of physical hardware – and thus savings.

Kontenery to samodzielne pakiety oprogramowania

Why containers?

Containerization fits perfectly into innovative software development processes.

Wydajność kontenerów


Containers enable better CPU and memory utilization because they share the operating system kernel with the physical machine on which they reside. This efficient use of resources also provides cost savings.

Skalowalność kontenerów


Extensive and demanding applications, thanks to containerization, can be divided into microservices encapsulated in containers. The ease of adding more containers ensures their stable operation even under heavy load.

Przenośność kontenerów


Containers include everything needed to run code. Software can be written once and then run without reconfiguration on different environments.

Separacja kontenerów

Separation of instances

Containers are separated from each other, allowing you to make changes in one of them without stopping operations on the others. A failure in a particular container will not bring the entire application to a halt.

Containerization at its best

MAIN Team deploys and supports containers based on leading Kubernetes platforms, including:
RedHat OpenShift, OKD, Rancher, VMware Tanzu and MicroK8S from Canonical.
We are a partner of RedHat, VMware and SUSE.

Proven implementation method

1. Audit

At this stage, MAIN engineers will review your organization's needs, business goals and current infrastructure. With this, we can select containerization technology and environment parameters (e.g., type of architecture, number of clusters) to meet the specifics of your business processes.

2. Proposition

We provide an offer that will best meet the needs of your organization. In addition to the technical parameters, we specify such elements of the contract terms as SLA (a minimum of 99% is recommended) and the so-called exit plan, that is, the timeframe and actions that both parties should take in the event of service cancellation.

Depending on the needs of your team, we also offer training on how to use the new environment.

Before deciding to start a project with MAIN, you will receive a complete package of information regarding the implementation plan, pricing of the solution and the benefits of the designed container-based environment.

3. Implementation

At this stage, we implement the established plan. MAIN's engineering team executes the work in a way that offsets the negative effects of switching environments or possible unavailability. At the same time, we tailor plans to your organization's operations in order to avoid or minimize downtime.

The final switch to containers can be coordinated with a regular technical break. Finally, we conduct tests of the created environment.

4. Maintenance

At this stage you verify that the performance and functionality from the proposal have been delivered.

Depending on the chosen service delivery model, container administration is performed in one of three modes:

IaaS - we manage the infrastructure on which the containers are embedded. The client's IT team is responsible for the other layers of the environment;
PaaS - we administer the infrastructure and take care of the deployed container environment;
SaaS - we manage all layers including the installation of the final application on the container environment.
At each level of administration, we also provide, among others:

Backup - performing backups according to a set schedule, verification of their correctness, and restoration tests;
Environment monitoring - MAIN Team monitors the physical hardware on which the containerization environment is running;
Business process monitoring - in addition to monitoring the infrastructure, we also check whether the entire business process (e.g., making an order in an online store) works.
From this point on, you also make decisions on further customization of the containerized environment to meet your business needs. We provide you with advice and assistance at every step - business and technical supervisors, as well as Project Managers are at your disposal.

Want to test the containers?

Contact us. We will provide you with free resources to test your chosen technology.